Tap installation & repair Toilet installation & repair Kitchen plumbing & appliances Pipes, traps, drains, & overflows Bathroom installation Domestic hot water systems Shower installation & repair
Central heating Boiler repair & installation Gas appliance servicing & installation Gas safety & landlord safety inspections

Need a plumber? Call: 07961 746015 or request a call back here

Every plumber in Blackpool has some sort of offer, we only offer one thing - great value for money on all plumbing services.

Whether your pipes are blocked, or you need a complete plumbing system installation, whatever your requirements for a plumber are we can help. Our highly skilled, and helpful plumbers are happy to assist with any of your requirements - we always include advice on essential maintenance so that your plumbing system or appliance operates efficiently.

If you need a qualified plumber to contact and provide you with a free quote please email us or call on 07961 746015. To see what services our plumbers can help you with simply read on.

Our plumbers and heating engineers are available in the following areas:

If you need a plumber and your location isn't listed please get in touch here

We are happy to offer our price promise to new and existing customers. Simply provide documentary evidence (a genuine quote on a headed sheet of paper) of the quote you want to beat and we'll do the rest!

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hot water tank repair Blackpool image

Domestic hot water systems

In the majority of houses, there are two different types of hot water system. The circulation from a boiler around the radiators is the central heating system. The water to your taps is the domestic hot water. We can assist with any issues you may have with any of the following:

Overflow repairs

Over time the overflow pipes on your toilet or water tank can leak. Our plumbers can repair or replace these problem pipes. Often overflow pipes from water tanks in lofts are unsupported which can be a potential problem if your water tank starts to overflow. We ensure all our overflow pipe installations are fully supported and frost protected.

Water tanks

Cisterns and tanks in your loft can be made of many different materials and may need replacing due to old age or more water demand due to change of system requirements a larger bath for example.

Hot water cylinders

Hot water cylinders may need to be replaced due to old age or leaking connections to the assosiated pipework. Cylinders may also need to be replaced to incorporate a more efficient heating and hot water system.

Immersion heaters

Immersion heater replacement and repairs.

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